Nut Tree Airport - Home
Nut Tree Airport - Home
Welcome to the Nut Tree Airport (VCB)
Welcome to the Official Website for the Nut Tree Airport! The website provides current fuel prices, runway webcams, air traffic audio, weather conditions, and information about airport services, amenities and businesses. Visitor information is also provided including how to access the many restaurants located next to the airport. Those persons interested in airport projects and development should also find this website useful including how to contact the airport to obtain additional information.
We hope that you enjoy your time at the Nut Tree Airport!
Current Fuel Prices
100LL: $6.10 Truck Price $6.30
Jet A: $5.80 Truck Service Mon-Fri 8-5
(updated 8/23/2024)
Fuel Services:
Listen to Live Nut Tree
Air Traffic
Runway 2
Runway 20
EAA - Young Eagles (Chapter 1230)
The Young Eagles Program offers free flights for children Ages 8 - 17 on the third Saturday of the month, March - November of each year. (Click here for additional info)